Contact Planet is a contact centre which specialises - uniquely - in contacting and servicing your existing customer base. We offer bespoke outbound call campaign services utilising state-of-the art facilities and tools.
Contact Planet will boost your repeat sales by undertaking this specialised and time consuming work more quickly, more cheaply and more easily than you could achieve by yourselves without a significant - and continuing - investment of time, effort and money. At the same time we will help to achieve strong customer retention and fulfil any of your legal 'duty of care' obligations.
All Contact Planet employees are experienced in the concepts of light-touch after-sales service of organisations cross-selling or repeat-selling to their existing customers. Campaigns are focussed on customer expectations by which we mean near-instant recognition by Customers of the phone-call context. Contact Planet provides comprehensive training and ongoing coaching for all its staff.
To provide a quality service in this way requires careful recruitment and training. While Cold-call Centres will typically employ students and temporary staffing, Contact Planet employs only mature adults with extensive work and life experience. In line with our belief in quality we dont create a hard-sell environment through commission based bonus schemes but remunerate our staff with fixed hourly-rate salaries. This guarantees that the contact with a customer is focused on the quality, not the quantity of appointments.
Contact Planets mission is Connecting Your Customers. In so doing we represent your business and understand the value of customer care. We will approach and service your customers with the same respect and dedication as yourselves. This unique and non-aggressive approach generates a much higher customer appreciation and provides improved return on investments. Contact Planet currently provides outbound call services to over 400 organisation requiring post-sale customer care including large institutions in real estate and insurance.
This website provides you a deeper understanding and insight of our background, industry knowledge, methods and services. Please click on www.contactplanet.nl to learn everything about an operating office. We hope to meet you soon personally.